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Wishing You Near

I have come to realize that time is so dear
When you are no longer here
I cling to memories, sweet bitter memories
That brings you near
If only I can touch you again
Without bringing back the pain
Feeling your presence
That you are not really very far away
That would bring back the joy and magic
Of being again together
I know you are just a whisper away.

I loved your cheeky grin and how you would squeal with sheer delight
Even at 3 in the morning that was quite alright
The way your face lit up at the sound of Dad’s guitar
Music was so much fun to you
Although our time together has not been long enough
You have given me a special daughter’s love
As a Mother have been blessed with many beautiful girls
You my Madda I am glad to say are one of them
My love for you is eternal and I will never say good-bye
Thank you beautiful Madeleine
Stay beautiful for ever
Big Sister

Showering you on our last day together (in this lifetime). I think back to this often. You were screaming with joy, I was singing to you, and washing your hair. I was worried you would wriggle out of your shower chair from excitement. I told you I loved you whenever we were together. I told you mum loved you, dad too. Now, I whisper a million thankyous for your wisdom and encouragment. Constant as the sun, you are my inspiration. I live to hear your whispers in every breeze that brushes my face and every note on the tip of my fingers. I love you, little sister. God Bless.


My last summer with you in the pool was always an opportunity to have a cuddle with a very tall girl and being a short mum it was lovely.  A friend had made your swimmers so that you could look 'cool' and trendy.  You loved the water on hot summer days and so we struggled to get you into the pool safely as you grew.  I had so many schemes to get you to that water when I could no longer lift you by myself.  But it was worth all of that.  All of that for you my lovely one. I miss you.

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